No-Bake and IMF are considered synonyms in the foundry market. IMF is in fact considered the specialist par excellence in this field both for the experience it has matured and for the numerous innovations developed with regards to processes and machines. The machines are totally designed in-house: mechanical parts, electric parts, management and automation software. Because of all this, IMF has always been able to autonomously develop new solutions which meet the most diverse requirements of its Customers. Today, IMF commands the widest range of machines and systems for the No-Bake process available on the market.
Each system is tested and inspected in its every part through dry run tests before it is delivered. Installation is entrusted to experienced and well trained personnel, supervisors and mechanical and electrical fitters capable of following assembly and start-up of the systems and of following the customer through the first production phase.
Our assistance service also entails assistance to Customers’ personnel in order to transfer the know-how regarding the use and maintenance of the systems. The after-sales service offers continuous assistance even after the Customer’s acceptance through a network of IMF subsidiaries and local representatives. This structure also guarantees a fast and timely spare parts service. It is also possible to plan programmed maintenance.
Quality has always been a fundamental element for IMF, a “total” quality which involves all company aspects, from design up to the materials and components with which the machines are built as well as the intangible elements of the quality of the relationships built with all stakeholders especially its customers.
Since 1995 the company has deemed it important to formalize the quality of its work methodology by obtaining the ISO 9001:2000 certification and today it is also being certified for the ISO 14001:2004. The group has given itself the mission of homogeneously reaching the highest quality standards throughout all its production structures.